Black Orpington Male or Female? 6 Weeks


Free Ranging
10 Years
Aug 1, 2013
I hatched 2 black orpingtons (American bloodlines if it matters) that are now 6 weeks 2 days old. I thought I had one of each gender, but I'm now unsure. Any predictions?

Here are the same chicks at 3.5 weeks. Number 2 has always had the larger comb but it's not as pink & large as my Lav orp boy.

Thanks in advance for your help & opinions.
Update: Yes both turned out to be pullets. We kept the smaller one (#1). The larger one was sold to a friend. That one won a blue ribbon at the county fair.
We have a white hen named "Princess Lay-a, " so we named our black hen "Darth Layer." The kids carry her around clucking the Empire's theme song. (Bawk Bawk Bawk Ba Ba Baaawwwwk Ba Ba Baaawwwwk, etc) She's the sweetest hen but the lowest of the pecking order.
* Note: We now also have 2 Bielefelder pullets, Hen Solo & Chew-Bawk-a, and our only bantam orp, "Cookie," has earned the nickname, "the Bantam Menace."

The bigger prize winning orp was given the name "Fluffy Butt" by her owners.

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