snakes in the chicken coop


6 Years
Oct 1, 2013
[I am having a big problem with a snake or snakes, where there is one there is probably two. It started about 3 weeks ago, the day before one of my eggs was to hatch. I have a broody brahma. Just gone the day it was scheduled to hatch. About a week later the same thing with an egg due to hatch in a week. no sign of egg, shell, nothing, So this time I put one wooden egg under her and three peahen eggs. its been 17 days, yesterday one peahen egg was broken. I chauked it up to be unfertilized because the smell was awful. I cleaned up the nest, put the wood egg and the other two peahen eggs back in. Today I went out, and now ta peahen egg is gone, without trace. To eat a peahen eggg, this has got to be a big snake. Any suggestions? I only have one peahen egg left and a small rare pheasant egg. I put more wood eggs in the nest. we have a mobile coop. so we keep moving it a few feet.
The only way to snake proof your facility is to use hardware cloth in place of other wire in every opening. Remember rats can take eggs too. Have you seen the snake? I had a 3 foot black snake eat 5 chicken eggs at once. The thing was so full it could not move. I found a herpetologist to take her.
I lost two chicks this week to snakes and the coop they were in have hardware cloth instead of chicken wire. The snake snuck under the fencing completely. The snake hole surfaced about three to four inches away from the sides of the fence. The ONE year I didn't replace my moth balls!
I know, I know; it's just an old wives' tale but there is some truth to it. For more than a decade I haven't had any snakes around my chickens despite them running rampant in the area. Looks like I need to go shopping.
Thanks for all the advice. i think I will try moth ball first. Since my coop is mobil. It does have a few high places when we move it. I cant believe it could swallow a peahen egg. i will follow up with yall
:frow   The only way to snake proof your facility is to use hardware cloth in place of other wire in every opening.  Remember rats can take eggs too.  Have you seen the snake?  I had a 3 foot black snake eat 5 chicken eggs at once.  The thing was so full it could not move.  I found a herpetologist to take her.
rats, opossums, skunks, and raccoons will all carry off eggs to eat elsewhere. So missing eggs aren't always a snake problem.

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