Ulcerative Colitis

Thanks, really good advice. Is juicing as in a juice machine? Sounds like a good idea. He likes making juice. I guess you can throw anything in there. I think I may have liked the doc more if he would have put him on a strict diet of some sort instead of telling him just eat what doesn't bother you. I think a doc should give a person some guidance.

I agree. A nice university hospital sounds good. I'd like to see more resources and more assertiveness.
Yes on the juice machine or vitamix. It makes the veg more digestible. Unfortunately you will not get satisfaction with the doctor. Ask the doctor what causes IBD or what cures IBD. The answer will be I do not know. You are pretty much on your own. Time for a lifestyle change. Eat simple foods at home. Eating out exposes you to way too much bad bacteria and chemicals used to extend the shelf life of food. There is no pill to make this better. Changing lifelong habits are the hardest thing to do but give it a try.
I think he made the veggie smoothy tonight. Hopefully it will do him good. He was up and about today, but he still has no energy.
One more thing that is probably very important for you. The disease damages the intestinal tract which prevents you from absorbing nutrients. Each segment of the intestine absorbs a different vitamin. The last section of the illium which is usually the first damaged absorbs B12 which controls your energy level. If he is tired all the time this is probably the case and pills will not restore his B12 level as they can not be absorbed. The doctor can test for this and give you a prescription for B12 shots. You can also buy them from Canada with no prescription as they are a vitamin not a drug. This makes a huge difference with energy level.

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