Feeling squeamish about culling hen

Agrees with Bobbi...but understand your reticence(although mine have always been for food, not pets-tho I enjoy them everyday), taking a life is not a thing to be taken lightly ever, but man, I tell ya, deliciousness!!

It took me a couple months to gear up mentally to butcher my first, an obnoxious junior rooster (10 months old cockerel), and also to get the equipment I needed set up to do the deed in the most efficient, smooth and humane manner. I've only done 2 and the second (15 week old cockerel) was easier even tho I was more attached to it. But the satisfaction of taking care of business is not to be underestimated, it's empowering to have a great meal or two rather than scramble trying to get rid of an unwanted chicken. Not sure how I'll feel harvesting the older layers this fall, it will be different, but I am looking forward to eating another homegrown chicken(the store-boughts just don't measure up since).

Meanwhile you could segregate her....always good to have another coop/pen if needed. I made a split coop/run and wish I had one or two more pens for various reasons.
Agrees with Bobbi...but understand your reticence(although mine have always been for food, not pets-tho I enjoy them everyday), taking a life is not a thing to be taken lightly ever, but man, I tell ya, deliciousness!!

It took me a couple months to gear up mentally to butcher my first, an obnoxious junior rooster (10 months old cockerel), and also to get the equipment I needed set up to do the deed in the most efficient, smooth and humane manner. I've only done 2 and the second (15 week old cockerel) was easier even tho I was more attached to it. But the satisfaction of taking care of business is not to be underestimated, it's empowering to have a great meal or two rather than scramble trying to get rid of an unwanted chicken. Not sure how I'll feel harvesting the older layers this fall, it will be different, but I am looking forward to eating another homegrown chicken(the store-boughts just don't measure up since).

Meanwhile you could segregate her....always good to have another coop/pen if needed. I made a split coop/run and wish I had one or two more pens for various reasons.

This chicken is trying to save her neck! She's laid two days in a row now since I started this thread lol. I like what you said about it being empowering to do the deed. My hesitancy was in feeling like it was too early for her...she's trying to prove me right now by laying again, haha. As for the obnoxiousness...I don't know what we could do. Segregating doesn't make sense since they all have free run of the yard. The only way to separate would be to pen her up, which would only make her louder lol.

We have four chicks and can't have roos, so maybe we will have another opportunity in a few months to do a slaughter. I think that would be easier. At least, I hope so.

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