Favorite Home-Brewed Coffee?


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 12, 2013
For some of us who "get up with the chickens", that morning cup of coffee is essential.

We used to have a small retail store that sold wonderful whole bean coffee (among other things) and guess I got spoiled. Now that the store is gone, we're trying to find a good whole bean coffee at the grocery stores. So far, 8 O'clock Original is the best we've come across but we're open to suggestions.

What's your favorite?

P.S. Oh, and good morning, hope you're enjoying your 1st cup of the day!
I am spoiled with my coffee. Our oldest daughter works in a coffee shop.... One of my favorites is 1/3 espresso and 2/3 monsson Malabar.
Well, I ain't fancy and neither is my coffee: Maxwell House Morning Blend.
i tried different coffees,some are good some are sour,anybody try boiling water and drop 3 tablespoons of coffee in it? That stuff will grow hair anywhere,lol
I like a strong cup of coffee but that might be a bit much even for me!

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