Your tricks for catching hens or guiding back to the coop?

I do Pavlovian training! Get a half-sized Pringles potato chip container with the lid. (Yes, I'd tried many other containers...this one has the best sound!) Fill half way with scratch and BOSS, and shake it loudly yelling treats and toss down some goodies. Do this three days in a row at various times during the day and they will come a'running whenever you want them to. Pretty soon just yelling, "treats" works just as well, but I don't like to shout, and they hear the shaker noise very, very well! I never seem to have any issues getting them in whenever I want!
Good luck!

And it only took one day. I shook the jar of treats, banged the lid against the glass jar and shouted "chicky treats!" while throwing treats on the ground... did it several times during the day. Then tonight when I went to put them back in their coop, I stood in the coop, yelled the magic words and banged the lid against the jar, and they all came running into the coop (almost as good as in the video by the Finnish man that Vehve posted
!!) It was awesome :) And my son wanted to know why I was yelling "trick or treat" in the middle of August

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