Another Tom or Hen Thread

If it puffed up like a turkey on a thanksgiving scene, its a jake.

Tail splayed wide open and prancing like he is king is there way. Give him time he will gobble. If you make a loud gobbling noise does he make a noise back?

My jakes the same age make feeble attempts to gobble.
I just looked a the pictures again, He is a boy.

Look at the thick legs and the spurs behind them. I have slate blues I have 5 hens and 5 toms/jakes none of my hens have the deep red waddle yours has. None of the hens have spurs.

None of the hens have "warts" on the waddle like yours. Also the tail looks fairly wide my hens have more pointy tail. and they never walk around with it spread like I see yours doing.

That is my final answer, now the million bucks please.
No gobbling. I feel like an idiot gobbling at it.
LOL! OK, thanks for your opinion I guess we will see....
Is there other turkeys around that he would want to "gobble" at. My tom, who is about 2-3 years old, has stopped displaying and gobbling for the year. Mine only start up around spring or just before spring and now is quitting time since everyone is done having babies. The only ones strutting are the babies that are just learning out their gender roles. I would place my bets on to as well.

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