I am new to BYC and here are some of my coop pics and birds


5 Years
May 12, 2014










I started with no real plans just what I read and found on this site. I started with an idea and here is what I came up with. It's all cedar and 1/2" mesh covers the outside of the coop. I trimmed out the entire coop with cedar shingles. I lined the floor with chicken wire and then buried it with 30 bags of sand. The floor is finished up with a bark mulch base that's seems to be easy for the chickens to scratch in and easy clean up. Never muddy! Tin roof keeps birds dry and happy. I did not do the typical boxes but elected to do it like a cabinet instead. As you can see in the pictures. The inside of the coop is lit and the floor is a peel and stick floor tiles and is really easy to clean up. I put cedar shavings inside the coop and keeps any smell down and very easy to clean out. I got the birds as chicks in April and just got 2 eggs this week. The birds are really fun! Hope you enjoy my pictures.
Rick K
This is a very old thread...and the only 2 posts the OP made 5 years ago.
Coop itself is rather small.

Welcome to BYC! @BokerTov

Have you looked at the coop articles?:

Lots of coops in this search:

Yes, I’ve been looking over the coop articles for a while. I don’t have a whole lot of experience building things so I am not really able to “wing it” and so I thought I might get lucky and see if this person would share his plans.

I’m starting to pick bits and pieces from coop articles and assemble them into an instruction sheet I can use when the time comes to bite the bullet and try to build it.

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