Favorite breeds for Ga Sc Nc area?

EEs & Production Reds. Thinking about Wyandottes...

Trying out bantam breeds now, too. Want smaller egg layers & pretty/fun birds.
Hmmm, I bought 6 cuckoo marans and 4 wyandottes at the feed store. They were hatched the 4th of September, so almost a month old now! I've had them for a few weeks.

Then banty hen, "Blackie" was moved with the eggs she's setting on to the hoop coop. I counted eggs when I moved her. She's sitting on 11 banty eggs and 4 large brown eggs (Production Red hens). Not sure which of the 3 banty hens the eggs came from (could be some from each) OR which rooster (large white AmeraucanaXleghorn and 1 banty... Serama or serama x?).

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