My Pests are Two Pretty Little Golden Comet Pullets-Neighbor's Chickens


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
I knew I'd deal with this when the elderly, one-screw-loose woman who lives across from my driveway built a coop (directly across from the end of my drive). Well, it's a big open cage with another open closet-like thing in one corner where they roost, that has no door to close to keep out the wind or snow. This winter, being only two little hens, they'll probably freeze to death or get frostbite, but they may not live until then. I've heard from another neighbor who buys my eggs that she saw chickens out in the road and she wondered if they were mine, but she knew I had a perimeter fence and kept my gate closed. I told her they were this other woman's, I was sure. She was surprised that my older neighbor had chickens, even said that was not a good location in which to free range birds, the crossroads of several very untraveled, dark gravel roads that are predator highways.

I have a driveway gate a few feet in from the end of my 200' driveway. It stays closed all the time unless I'm expected a delivery. The fencing just around the gate is low, not quite 4'. Today, I saw her two GC pullets at my gate pecking around. I told my DH when he went to get the mail to tell her in no uncertain terms that her birds were not to be on my property, period, that they were a danger to my flock, that we have a biosecure area and do not allow birds to enter our property. If chickens leave here with a new buyer, they cannot return, either. So, of course, he delivered the message.

Her response? She doesn't keep track of where her chickens go, they go where they want. She says to him, you have a fence, they can't get in so he tells her that any chicken can hop over a low fence to go wherever it wants. He then tells her a storm is coming in and it's already raining then he finds out when it rains, her birds find cover wherever they can, she doesn't go out and put them inside or watch out for them at all. As dark as it is during these storms, a hen hunkered under a bush is easy pickings for a fox strolling by. And she was the one telling us when they were less than 10 weeks of age that two little chicks were SO much trouble, ack! How? She doesn't look after them, they roam at will wherever, even on the neighbors' property. Funny, she said they were so much work way back when she first got them, she told DH that we might end up with two new chickens, but he told her then no way, that we do not take in started birds for biosecurity reasons, that we don't risk our healthy flock. BUT, she's dense as the Prudential Rock and didn't hear that.

Unfortunately, I may find myself having to make them disappear to keep them away from my flocks . She'll call whining asking if I've seen her chickens, even if I had nothing to do with it. The foxes, coyotes, roaming domestic dogs, raccoons she used to feed or any number of predators will end her chicken keeping hobby for her. I just hope it doesn't have to be me, but I will not tolerate them coming here. I don't know where she got them or what measures she takes to keep them healthy, but I doubt any, considering her attitude today. Maybe if she loses them, she'll turn that coop into a storage shed and not get more chickens. What I really dread is if she gets a wild hair and decides to get a rooster. That won't end well, especially if he comes over to challenge mine. He will be executed on the spot. I know you may think I'm borrowing trouble but I've lived across the road from this fruit loop for 12 years and I pretty well can gauge what she's going to do sometimes.

My Pests are Two Pretty Little Golden Comet Pullets-Neighbor's Chickens

...or rather the woman who 'owns' them.

Good Luck to you!
:goodpost: Too right, people not looking after there animals drives me insane. I think if it were me I would be making them disappear. They are obviously going to suffer at the teeth of some predator roaming as they seem to be doing. Why do people get animals they obviously don't want to put the time and effort into? She does not keep track of her birds!! OMG I know where mine are all the time I would be nervous wreck especially with polish as they need guidance just to free range in the garden. Hope you sort your problem out soon and I really do hope she does not get any more birds for your sake and theirs.
This is the same woman who always opens our mail when a substitute carrier puts it in her box. The last one was a bank statement with both our names on it, probably not even the same bank she uses since she's one of those Florida transplants and most likely still uses her old bank. That really ticked me off. I am still going to have a talk with my regular carrier about her. Since this wasn't the first time she did it, I do not believe it was any more than a nosy old bat getting into my business. And now, the chicken mess.... grrrr.
As I suspected would happen, on a day when the driveway gate had to be left open for a delivery, I found these two scratching around inside the perimeter while my young breeding group was free ranging on the opposite side of the driveway and about 40 ft down from them. Actually, their rustling around alarmed the cockerel and he shot back to the coops area with his pullets, thankfully. My husband shooed them out and we had to close the gate. Delivery didn't make it so I may face a repeat of it today. How is she going to keep them out when she lets them loose and goes to sit in her recliner all day?

DH had a talk with her about her open "coop" and what was she going to do when the water freezes or the snow piles up inside and they get frostbitten feet and combs. Her answer? "I hadn't thought about all that." They're going to suffer and die, either by freezing or by being fox bait.
Poor things! The best thing that could happen for them is a quick, painless death. At least then they wouldn't be left to freeze or starve to death. (I'm wondering if she feeds them since they come over to your place.)
Poor things! The best thing that could happen for them is a quick, painless death. At least then they wouldn't be left to freeze or starve to death. (I'm wondering if she feeds them since they come over to your place.)

I wonder that myself, bobbi. I bet she feeds them very little other than maybe table scraps and expects them to find their own food. They haven't been near my coops, but if my flock rooster sees them, he may try to round them up and I do not want that.
I'd find them another home. However, no matter how these chickens disappear your neighbor will most likely get more.
I'd find them another home. However, no matter how these chickens disappear your neighbor will most likely get more.

I hope not. She says they are already SO much work, she can barely take care of them now. Two little pullets too much work? Really? Her elementary school grandson lives with her now and he was supposed to take care of them for her. And now, one of her daughters and two more kids are coming to live with her. She lives in a 500 sf cabin. There is a very small storage barn, plus a 12 x14 barn she put A/C and electricity in (built it to house her persian seriously) and I think they'd have to live in that illegal living space. I hope I don't have trouble with those kids. This isn't helping my stress level right now, I can tell you.
I feel bad for the two little hens. I have a soft spot for red sex links. They are incredibly friendly. Re-home them. Offer them up for free for the first person to come get them.. She doesn't need to know ;)

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