Anyone here train chickens?

So, it looks like Imma gonna reply to myself. TODAY the whole flock got into hitting the keys, almost. About three did not, six did. The best one, a Choc Orpington, knew every single time to hit a key and get fed. She could have been Liberace's chick. The rest caught on, but did not perform as well. The lead chick kept looking to my hands holding the treats because someone also taight them to beg.
They're not playing "Mary Had A Little Lamb" yet, but well see.

Any updates?
No updates yet on piano playing. But I have tried to teach them to stop beng broody
It seems it's easier to get a chicken to play the piano keys! We broke one, and then the second chick we have not broken.
The best musical chick is not broody, but tears up other hens backs by breeding them
I know it's dominance, but it sure looks like she's breeding them. So now we have saddles on all the smaller chicks, because their backs look like grocery store chicks.
I'll try and practice over the weekend and get back to you!
Our flock has made exciting progress! They've been working on "Run! Run!" and they run to the run. It's hilarious and I'm so proud of them.
I've been working with them every day and slowly they have been running there from a little bit farther away every day. They're now up to around 15 feet from the run.

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