Mean Red Rooster

Rooster has to go swimming with noodles in a pot of soup. Sorry but, he has crossed the line.

"swimming with the noodles" - the chicken mafia version of swimming with the fishes?
I too have a mean rooster. He's almost six months old and starting to grow his spurs. I've tried behavior modification to no avail. My chickens free range during the day and I can't even enter the yard without him attacking me. I spoke with a professional poultry man today and he told me to cull him this week. He said he's still young enough that the meat will be tender. He told me that the liability is too great when chickens free range. They could travel to a neighbors and attack them & I'd be facing a law suit! Yikes! Red is going on the BBQ!
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I have a mean red rooster his name is red I got him from a friend and he peak me and beat me and I never got mad at him and I would pick him up and hold him till he calmed down and after months of this he stop doing that and liked me he attacked every one but me he would let me mess with his hens and chicks but every one else got attacked now he is my best buddy so I say no don't kill the rooster try training him. this is his only chance but do what ever you want to do.
this is going to sound crazy try not to kick at him when he beats you just walk off just remain calm my rooster red did that but now he is my buddy.

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