Feed & water: In or out of the hen house?

Bs Peeps

In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 11, 2014
Is it necessary / better / ill-advised to maintain access to feed and water inside the hen house as opposed to in the run?
I am in construction phase of my coop (see Wichita Cabin - same design) and was planning on keeping all feed and water in the run, which is part of the whole structure. Some folks have feed and water in the house, some not. Is there a preference?

(I posted same question in another forum as I am a new user and having trouble figuring out how to use the forum feature. Sorry for the redundancy)
It's totally up to you!
My run doesn't have a cover over it, so I keep my food in the small area under the henhouse, where the chickens go when it's raining. You want to keep the food out of the rain to keep it from molding. However, I keep the water out of the small area in the run because the water got dirtier faster when it was under the henhouse. Whichever you think is best for your chickens is what you should go with

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