Ameraucana or Easter Egger??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 14, 2014
I was pretty sure she was an ameraucana but we have been getting blue and green eggs. She along with two others (a buff orpington and what we think is a Delaware blue) were added to my lonely flock of one (production red). Friday and yesterday I found an extra large brown egg (production) and a green egg and a blue egg. The buff is young and hasn't started laying yet (and will have brown eggs). I've been told that only Easter eggers lay green eggs. So do you think she is an Easter egger?? If this is true, then do you think the Delaware blue isn't a Delaware blue since by process of elimination she would be the one laying the blue egg??
I was pretty sure she was an ameraucana but we have been getting blue and green eggs. She along with two others (a buff orpington and what we think is a Delaware blue) were added to my lonely flock of one (production red). Friday and yesterday I found an extra large brown egg (production) and a green egg and a blue egg. The buff is young and hasn't started laying yet (and will have brown eggs). I've been told that only Easter eggers lay green eggs. So do you think she is an Easter egger?? If this is true, then do you think the Delaware blue isn't a Delaware blue since by process of elimination she would be the one laying the blue egg??
There are several things that indicate that the black hen is an EE (being non-pure bred Ameraucana essentially). The color for one, there is red leakage. The pea comb and the general body shape are different from Ameraucanas - but often a SOP Ameraucana can lay a greenish egg but they should lay blue.

#2 looks like a mixed breed as well because of the color leakage. I am guessing you got two chickens that are from mixed stock including Blue Ameraucana blood lines distantly. There is nothing wrong with mixed breeds, most of my flock is mixed breed.

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