Hemp bedding

Still looking for a local supplier in Ontario Canada
There is a company on the west coast (Hempworks.ca), however, minimum order is 28 bags at $19/bag, which seems a decent price, it was the $900 shipping, and 28 bags is a bit excessive for our 'estimated' 4. Hens

Just throwing this out there for our west coast chicken farmers
What is a poop board?

A poop board is a board you put under the roost (where they sleep at night) so the poop lands on that board instead of fowling (fouling) up your coop bedding. I made roosting tables using plywood and put a 1/4" rubber mat (found at farm supply stores on a roll cut by the foot) to make it easy to clean - it won't absorb the mess like plywood does over time. By putting mine right about kitchen counter height, I can easily clean under the roosts without bending down … and I don't have to change the floor bedding nearly as often because it lands on the boards.

Here's one of mine. The white powder is "sweet pdz" powder which helps neutralize the ammonia.


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