Do these chicks look OK?


7 Years
Sep 26, 2014

I had an earlier thread about my 3 (now 4) week old buff orp chick who seems really lethargic compared to my other 3. I got lots of good advice and now they've all been through a course of Corid, followed by Nutri-Drench, and all are eating and drinking, but the buff orp and the smallest chick (the Brahma) are still very inactive compared to the EE and the Barred Rock, with no other worrisome signs, at least to my inexperienced eye.

Long story short, I took them out of the brooder for a little excursion in my yard (since it's 85 today!) and took some pics. Can you tell me what you think of their appearance? Are the Buff Orp and the Brahma healthy/thriving? They were curious and the activity level of the chicks seemed more even outdoors. They are 4 weeks.

As an aside - the EE who is most active in the brooder gave us a scare and would not be caught once in the yard. She disappeared under the fence for a good half hour! She was so quiet while she was gone, I thought for sure an unseen predator had got her, but then she returned with loud chirps and let me take her and put her back in the brooder. Whew!

Thank you in advance for sharing your observations!

Top photo: the Buff Opr
2d photo: the Buff Orp & the Brahma
3d photo: left to right, Brahma & EE
Bottom photo: left to right, Buff O, Barred Rock, EE
They look fine to me. They might be in a awkward stage of getting all their adult feathers. Just keep an eye on them for the next few weeks - they should start to feather out nicely.

Keep us posted.
Thank you for your response, Fancypants! The Buff O is back on her feet as much as the others pretty regularly now, although the Barred Rock & the EE are still the Dynamic Duo. You are right about the variation in feathering. The two stronger ones are also almost fully feathered and could probably move to the coop next week with the Indian Summer we're having, but I will wait for the other two to catch up so they stay together.

I am so relieved! Thank you!
Good idea to keep them all together - move them to the coop as a group that way you don't have any problems with bullying when the little two are introduced later on. They might look a little ragged since the downy feathers are being replace with the adult feathers. Glad to hear that the BO is coming along - she might have just been the "runt" and will take a little longer to get up to speed.

Keep me posted :)

I just saw your recent post with the photos! I don't know why I wasn't alerted sooner. They are lovely birds, and I feel like that's what I can look forward too as well. Thank you so much, and many thanks to all for responding! My BO and Brahma are doing well! I moved all four into the outdoor coop now that they are six weeks, and all are thriving. Also, everyone's development seems more even now. What a relief!

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