Please help sex my peafowl!

But hens don't scream bloody murder...
I enjoy the peacock call, but the neighbors might call the police.
Thats why I love me some Greens, much quieter,

Gerald Barker
Greens can be more antsy though. I do love the noise they make though. The video of your High % Spalding peacock trying to breed the one hen. The sound he made reminded me of a velociraptor from Jurassic Park.
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These are about 5 months old. Is it 2 boys and 1 girl or vice versa.
Well there's a problem though. Two of them are Spaldings, this makes things a lot harder. Based on color and pattern of the neck and breast feathers you would have one male and two hens. Based on barring, three males.
I have been on here a month or so ago for my 2 ibbs chicks, and there wasn't a real solid answer so I thought I'd try again for one of them now that they are older. I know that one is a definite hen but I have mixed thoughts about this "guy".

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Please excuse their messy pen, I've been sick and haven't been out much to clean it but I will later today.

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