Gander and goose or 2 of same sex?


7 Years
Aug 21, 2012
Greece, EU
My goslings are 4, 5 months old. The breeder said that they were male and female just visually sexing them according to their size difference. The white gosling was the biggest of the clutch and the brown one the smallest of all. Now the brown one is the same size if not bigger. Can anyone please help on sexing them? Also could the white gosling be a hybrid? There was only one african/chinese male and 5 african/chinese geese as well as a "common" goose. Could it be a mix? He seems to have started developing the lump on his forehead though.


Thanks! ;)
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Thanks so much!
Do you think that the gander will develop a fully grown knob? Are such hybrids fertile?

Also the white one is a strong flier. He could take off without any running as he wanted to follow me around. The brown one couldn't and she stayed alone in their pen honking away until I took her friend back in. I had to clip a few flight feathers to keep him down to the ground.
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. i am afraid he won't grow much of a knob and he won't fly away because the goose is there and he will get a bit bigger and heavier but will still fly a bit but not high
My gander Harrold has started laying eggs a couple weeks ago, so I suppose he is not to be considered as a gander any more.


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