Hi! New to the site, just saying hi here!


5 Years
Oct 20, 2014
Sandwich, IL
My mom and I had a small flock before a few years ago before we moved and now we have some again. :)

We have 6 chickies. 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Plymouth Barred Rocks and 2 Buff Orpingtons. They are all about 7 weeks old, I'm not sure if they are pullets or cocks yet, but by behavior/personality alone, it seems like both RIRs are hens and the other 4 appear to be roosters. Really unsure on the PBR's though.

Aaaaand their names:
RIR's: Henny and Penny
PBR's: Rocky and Bullwinckle
BO's: Melone (Melonie if he is really a she) and Goliath.

Also I breed Dutch rabbits, show quality and pet quality.
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welcome I'm new too, since last week,
two of our hens names are Bullwinkle and Rocky,
we lost Rocky two years ago to a dog,
but I still have bullwinkle, she is a big hen, a aricona,not sure on spelling.
and then we have Newby she is the oldest one we don't know how old she is got her from someone else, under lost chicken.
and we have strawberry she also is a aricona, she is beige
and we have goldie,she is gold and brown colored, can't remember what she is,my grown daughter picked them out they used to be hers and with two kids, the hens are now mine.
so welcome, good site with good advice
I have had chickens now for three years, husband made me a new coup,
took two months to make, it was the I think I'll add this and this and so on,
but it is a nice one, and when I open the hatch door under the coup, the girls can go out into our fenced back yard,
we have had to much trouble lately with other dogs,
they also have a run that is fenced in they stay in there when I'm at work.
this will be the first winter in the new coup,
Hi :welcome
Glad you joined the flock. Sounds like you have lovely flock there. I'm sure if you post some pics of your birds in the what breed gender section you will get great advice on what they are. Be sure to ask lots of questions every one very friendly and full of great info :frow

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