5-7 Help?


6 Years
Jan 8, 2014
your head.... ~(*.*)~
I got 2 new, 5 week old chicks. And have had inroducing new birds into a flock problems before (to the stage where they still don't live together) and won't to do it right this time! When and how can I introduce the 2 chicks to live with my silkie and RIR bantam hens? I have had the chicks in a fenced cage while the older birds roam, allowing the birds to see but not toutch the chicks. I have another 3 hens (Big bullies to the RIR and silkie) too. They also have seen but not toutched the babies. I NEED the two newbies to live with the other 2 bantams in harmony as quick as possible.
Oh and one of the two chicks seems to be a boy, and the other is a girl. Boy is rather mean to girl, girl isn't scared of boy but boy does chase her and peck her around too. Do you know why he's Bering a poo face?

Pps. they get along the rest of the time. they snuggle and watch Doctor who with me with no problems.
I know you want to do this quick but you need to go slow if you want this to work. You need to wait until your chicks are 10 to 12 weeks old before you try to integrate them. If you try to do it when they are too young they are just going to get pecked. Chickens do NOT like newcomers! In the meantime keep doing what your are doing, let them spend time next to the older birds but separated by a fence. When they are old enough you can start letting them out together with the older birds. By then the older ones will have had time to get used to them and things should go a little smoother.

The issues between your two chicks may just be pecking order issues which is fine as long as it doesn't get carried to far and the pushier one doesn't start actually pecking and injuring the other. You'll just have to watch them. Sometimes that can happen when there are only two and there is nobody else to take the attention of the bossy bird.
I know you want to do this quick but you need to go slow if you want this to work.  You need to wait until your chicks are 10 to 12 weeks old before you try to integrate them.  If you try to do it when they are too young they are just going to get pecked. Chickens do NOT like newcomers!   In the meantime keep doing what your are doing, let them spend time next to the older birds but separated by a fence.  When they are old enough you can start letting them out together with the older birds.  By then the older ones will have had time to get used to them and things should go a little smoother. 

The issues between your two chicks may just be pecking order issues which is fine as long as it doesn't get carried to far and the pushier one doesn't start actually pecking and injuring the other.  You'll just have to watch them.  Sometimes that can happen when there are only two and there is nobody else to take the attention of the bossy bird.

Okay! ^.^ thank you very much.

I thought of that but discarded the thought because I thought chicks (especially just two) would get on really well. But no blod has been shed as fare as I can see. thanks. ~(^.^)/"

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