birth defects?


5 Years
Aug 11, 2014

I tried hatching eggs for the first time a couple of months ago and had a few ducks come out. 2 died while trying to come out (maybe i should have helped them?), 3 seem to be perfectly fine and 2 have defects. they both have a wing (left) the tip of which sticks out, doesn't lay flat to their side. one of them is also blind. they are from different moms, i believe, but maybe from the same dad. i have 2 adult females and 2 males. otherwise they are active and seem to be healthy. even the blind one gets around very well, finds food and water, he even found the pond and had to be rescued cause he got lost in the water :) cute lil guy.

so i am wondering. did i make a mistake while hatching? or is it genetic?

thank you
well the thing you were describing about the wing might be angel wing what food are you feeding them? also what breed of duck are they i know that calls sometimes have trouble hatching because of there short necks and bills. i am no expert on the matter but hopefully someone who knows more than i do will pipe in. i hope your babies get better.
well the thing you were describing about the wing might be angel wing
it does look like angel wing. I've never heard of it. they graze free outside and in the pond now and at night go into the barn with chickens and eat regular pellets and scratch. i do about 50/50 pellets and scratch. i could try getting "other poultry" pellets or something but i wouldn't be able to separate it because all of the birds eat together.

the breeds i don't actually know. i think they are mutts.

ill post pics
it does look like angel wing. I've never heard of it. they graze free outside and in the pond now and at night go into the barn with chickens and eat regular pellets and scratch. i do about 50/50 pellets and scratch. i could try getting "other poultry" pellets or something but i wouldn't be able to separate it because all of the birds eat together.

the breeds i don't actually know. i think they are mutts.

ill post pics

it does look like angel wing. I've never heard of it. they graze free outside and in the pond now and at night go into the barn with chickens and eat regular pellets and scratch. i do about 50/50 pellets and scratch. i could try getting "other poultry" pellets or something but i wouldn't be able to separate it because all of the birds eat together.

the breeds i don't actually know. i think they are mutts.

ill post pics
Welcome to BYC.. if they are completely feathered in most likely they will have angel wing for their entire life but it won't kill them it's just a vitamin deficiency that causes it, you could try wrapping their wings but it maybe too late, most that have a duck with angel wing clip the feathers back so they don't get caught on things. There is a pictorial on wrapping for angel wing in the stickies top left of duck thread page. Some say angel wing is genetic some say too high protein in feed.

We'd love to see pics.
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well they did not want to pose.
too busy playing in mud. top parents. bottom babies. the baby to the right is the blind one. the parent in the middle is very pretty. would be cool to find out what he is.

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