muscovy duckling coloring?

Rachele anne

5 Years
Oct 30, 2014
when these ducklings hatched they were all yellow except the very tip of their tail was black now there getting more and more ... does anyone know what they could look like when there full grown
You won't know 100% until all the adult feathers come in. But my guess would be black on the tail with some spots on the body and wings, just what it looks like in the picture, but most likely it will get more black on him/her .But then again you guess is as good as mine. But it's exciting trying to figure out what color they'll be. That's why I like mixed breeds. trying to figure out what color they might be when they get older :D
They will be barred. From the looks possibly black barred. @learycow
She has way more experience with barred muscovy then I do. She is a wealth of information.
I have one that was the normal black with yellow spots and it's getting feathers is this barreled ?
They will be barred. From the looks possibly black barred. @learycow
She has way more experience with barred muscovy then I do. She is a wealth of information.
Thats so kind! Thank you!

And yes, if they are yellow with a colored bill and a colored tail, they will feather out to be barred. The color they will be is the color their tail is (this can be hard to differentiate).

Here are some pics for comparison :)

Chocolate barred female, 1 year old (notice her barring is now only under the wings, she also has some on her back)

These are black barred hens, the ones on the left are both 1 year old, the one on the right is 2.

Barred babies. Left to right: blue, blue, blue, black, blue, black

Blue barred, first feathers

Day old black barred baby

1 year old black barred hen. See how most of her barring molted out? This is common in most barred. They will be fully barred as a juvie, then almost solid colored as an adult

Up close of the blue barred juvie

Chocolate barred day old

Black and blue barred, 5 days old

Black barred juvie drake

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