Arkansas Newbie


5 Years
Dec 1, 2014
Good Morning Everyone,
I would like to introduce myself and my girls.
My name is Lisa.
I am new to raising backyard chickens and have a LOT to learn.
I am currently in the middle of building a nice coop and have added a few interesting items to it, many more to come since I am of a curious nature and like to tinker with things.
I currently have 4 Barred Rock hens.
I live in Arkansas, I would say in a rural area, but 90% of Arkansas is rural. LOL
So glad I found this site and I'm amazed at how many folks raise chickens.
I look forward to all of the great learning I am about to get via this site!!

For the first interesting thing about my new coop going up, I was scrounging around the old home place recently and came across a really nice double pained plate glass window. It is now the inside wall of my hen house. All of my friends call my coop the Arkansas Chicken Aquarium.
Here's a quick peek.

Cheers and happy Chickens to everyone.
Hi :welcome
Glad you could join the flock! Your coop looks like it will be a great home for your hens. I'm sure they will be very impressed with it! Hope you can post pics of the finished article.
Be sure to ask any questions you may have, everyone here to help and enjoy BYC :frow
Welcome to BYC
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Very nice coop!! Good luck with the rest of your build. Barred Rocks are a nice breed to keep. I have a few of them and they are great layers and quite friendly as well.

Welcome to our flock!

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