Should I try to sell my purebred splash Ameracauna or just free to a good home?

speckledhen--that's hilarious! How blessed lazy can you be to not take a picture of your own birds....always assumming the person actually had some of the breeds they were advertising. Maybe your mixed boy looked better than his birds
How did you even see his ads? Do you know him?
He was unfortunately, a BYC member. Haven't seen this person around in years, though. Someone pointed out that a person was using Suede as an example of their Blue Orps, because everyone knew Suede, but then, I saw CJ in that same header on their website. Geez.

speckledhen--that's hilarious! How blessed lazy can you be to not take a picture of your own birds....always assumming the person actually had some of the breeds they were advertising. Maybe your mixed boy looked better than his birds
Gosh, I hope he had better looking "Ameraucanas" than CJ, LOL! That rooster was named CJ for "Cracker Jack Surprise", so that tells you how crazed mixed up his genetics were. He was supposed to be a Buff Orpington, coming in a bunch of hatching eggs with some blue Orps. When he hatched, I thought, oh, misslabeled a blue as a buff, but then, I saw the pea comb and went, what the????? That's when we realized that the big Buff Orp was able to breed that itty bitty mixed breed bantam hen and voila! CJ was here. But, Ameraucana he ain't!
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