ISO a Blue Palm Tom Turkey

So sorry to hear about your loss.

I have a Blue Slate tom for sale but I'm afraid Wyoming is a long way from Bargersville. Hope you find another one before breeding season. How about putting a want ad on Craig's List, Farm and Garden section.
Thank you. I'm looking into replacing him but the blue palms are nearly impossible to find locally so far.

Porter's Rare Heritage Turkeys is located in Indiana. I do not know if he sells adult turkeys but it should be worth your time to contact him. He does raise Blue Palm turkeys among his many varieties. Perhaps he can put you in touch with someone who has a tom available if he cannot provide you with a tom himself.
I have contacted him. He is very nicely going to see if he has an extra. My birds were from Porters. They are great birds too. I highly recommend them, I'm getting little ones this year from him too. But my current hens are missing their tom and I did have plans to hatch out a few more to use for food.

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