Constipated hen?

K R 2709

6 Years
May 21, 2013
BC, Canada
I have a hen who appears to be constipated. She laid an egg yesterday and I couldn't feel anything so I don't think that she is egg bound. She eats and drinks but sits Dow every few steps and appears to be straining.
She may not be drinking enough water in the cold weather. I would put a probiotic in her water or give her a small amount of buttermilk 2-3 days a week. I would still check inside the vent 1-2 inches with a finger (wear a rubber glove and lubricate it well to help with passing her droppings) and check her for a stuck egg. Give her some applesauce since that might help her go. Also try adding some water to a small amount of chicken feed to make it soupy--that may get more water in her, and chickens usually like mushy feed.
She has passed a dropping so I don't think that she is constipated. She is still acting strangely. Any idea what could be wrong??
What do her droppings look like? Was it normal size? Did you check inside her vent for another egg? How old is she? Could she be an internal layer?
Hahahaha sorry to keep everyone waiting. A couple days afterwards she laid and egg that was almost a perfect sphere.

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