What kind of sand is okay for chicken run?

Hey everyone, has any of you used coral sand? That's what I put in mine (live on tropical island) and it's working well but I'm worried that they may get too much calcium from it and have kidney problems. My chickens are pretty young 4-7 weeks. You think they can control their intake so it's not a problem?

I live on the Big Island of Hawaii, I too have been wondering about "coral" sand. So confused, some say "play" sand others say No. My Run/Coop is on dirt ground, shavings towards the back corner with a spot of sand (bathing) under their "nest house". It's been in operation since January of this year & so far not complaining. I do have a poop board below the roost they sleep on, a definite plus and pick up whatever poop is on the ground daily (bonding time). It RAINS alot here, gets humid & hot so my RC design is really simple, the shower curtains on EMT rods another big plus. But wanting to toss some sand in front of the door as a shoe cleaner, just not sure if "coral" sand is ok to use or "play" sand although now I'm reading "construction" sand....Don't want to use anything that will hurt the Girls....

Hi! I have sand in my coop and its time to get new sand. I am going to spread it in a fenced area I let the birds in and then plant clover and stuff in it. What do y'all think? Will it grow well?
I am planning on setting up a brooder setup for chicks born in about a month from now using sand. I tried to find if there was any info about using aquarium sand for chickens. Aquarium sand varies from pebbles to very fine beach time sand. Could you take a look at the amazon links below and let me know if any of them might be able to be used for baby chicks?

Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4 Link5 Link6
I use sand in my runs. I have 3-4" but my runs are all covered with polycarbonate corrugated roofing (clear). If you have real water problems put in drainage before you put your sand down. I rake it out periodically and it stays clean and dry. Below are pictures of 2 of my runs with Home Depot All Purpose Sand in bags. It was easier to move bags to my coop location than to have it delivered in my situation.


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