Is this a disease?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 2, 2013
I have a shelf under my hens' roost, and lay cardboard on it for easy cleanup. Along with the poop I find a lot of flaky stuff... originally I thought it might be a by-product of molting, but nobody is molting now. Here is a picture of what shows up under the roost.

I've read some things that make me wonder about the possibility that it's scaly leg mites. It's hard to tell visually, here are a couple of leg shots...

Any impressions of what those flakes are? Thanks.
Your chickens need to have their nails trimmed. Their feet look like some of their scales are raised. Probably a sign that they have a mild case of scaley leg mites. You can dip their legs all the way up to the leg feathes in mineral oil to treat the mites. Once a week until the scales all look smooth and healthy. The white stuff you see under the roost is chicken dander. It is completely natural.

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