Chickens in the rain


6 Years
Aug 12, 2013
This might be a dumb question but does anyone let their chickens free range when it's raining out? They beg to get out and I feel bad for trying to keep them dry. I don't want them to get sick..
As long as they can get back into a dry coop when they want to they will be fine. I just let them decide, some don't mind the rain some do. I have a leghorn that doesn't care about rain or snow and a buff orpington that hates the rain so I just leave the run door open and let them figure it out for themselves.
Some of mine will stand out there when it is pouring while the others stand inside the open door looking at them like they are crazy
. I have not had any get sick from the rain yet. I think it is all in the personality of the bird.
Mine would love to be out all the time. They have a closed in outside area, but they would rather have the run of the whole yard even in the rain or snow. I do not let them out in the rain because many of my birds have feathered feet and I hate it when they get full of mud.
Mine have had no issues when being allowed to free range during the worst storms we have had here. One in particular doesn't seem to mind getting wet. She'll be in the middle of the yard looking for loot while the rest are hunkered under a tree.

We don't get hail or thunderstorms but I'd bring them in if a line of severe storms was coming.
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My chickens don't mind the rain to much in summer, but they don't like to get wet and cold together. I like to keep them dry especially in winter since I don't use heat lamps in my chicken house. They can take the cold but not the wetness.
The last bad storm we had here was last fall, lightening, hail, wind tearing branches down, the works. I had to herd my chickens in, the wind was blowing them around but they was staying out there in it rather than going inside. I had to herd 6 chickens alone in a pen in the pouring rain and wind. I looked a fool out there chasing them around and around. LOL Now we have a better pen, a better coop and better wind buffers and if they want to get wet and blow around I let them. They all love to get wet to the point of wading and sitting in the water bowl. I think they might be part duck.

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