Cream Legbar or mix?


10 Years
Jul 29, 2013
Southern Illinois
This pretty guy showed up on our property about three days ago. We finally caught him today and put him in a cage with plenty of food and water. The only thing we can come up with is that someone must have seen our birds free ranging and dumped him off, as we made sure he didn't belong to our neighbors, who also have a flock. It actually kind of ticks me off, not because we have him (I'm glad we do now), but because there are other ways unwanted birds can be used. Dumping them off to fend for themselves or making them somebody else's "problem" is not one of them. He's obviously been roosting outside. We are currently treating his frost-bitten comb and wattles. I'm just glad we caught him before our roos did! Anyway, I have four CL hens but have not had the opportunity to own a roo. He looks strikingly similar to some of the pictures we've seen. However, he has red earlobes. I'm starting to think he may be a mix. Thoughts?

This pretty guy showed up on our property about three days ago. We finally caught him today and put him in a cage with plenty of food and water. The only thing we can come up with is that someone must have seen our birds free ranging and dumped him off, as we made sure he didn't belong to our neighbors, who also have a flock. It actually kind of ticks me off, not because we have him (I'm glad we do now), but because there are other ways unwanted birds can be used. Dumping them off to fend for themselves or making them somebody else's "problem" is not one of them. He's obviously been roosting outside. We are currently treating his frost-bitten comb and wattles. I'm just glad we caught him before our roos did! Anyway, I have four CL hens but have not had the opportunity to own a roo. He looks strikingly similar to some of the pictures we've seen. However, he has red earlobes. I'm starting to think he may be a mix. Thoughts?
Glad you caught him, unfortunately there are way too many uncaring people in the world... He is not a Cream Legbar, and probably not even a mix... I am most likely wrong, lol, but he kinda looks like a Biefelder maybe? He is gorgeous anyways! :)
Thanks guys! I'm not familiar with the breed. I just looked at pictures and they are gorgeous birds. He does have a similar feather pattern, that's for sure. I'll do a little more hunting. Any other thoughts/comments are most certainly welcome!
M thought is, it's far more likely he is a barnyard mix instead of a rare, expensive breed. That same color is easily obtained by breeding a red bird to a black barred bird. I've produced hens of similar coloring in my mixed breeding pens.
M thought is, it's far more likely he is a barnyard mix instead of a rare, expensive breed. That same color is easily obtained by breeding a red bird to a black barred bird. I've produced hens of similar coloring in my mixed breeding pens.
I agree.
M thought is, it's far more likely he is a barnyard mix instead of a rare, expensive breed. That same color is easily obtained by breeding a red bird to a black barred bird. I've produced hens of similar coloring in my mixed breeding pens.

No one in their right mind would dump a Bielfelder off as they can be $50 a chick! If they couldn't keep him, he would be easy to sell or even give away!
Much more likely somebody's backyard mix, and they couldn't have roo's.
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No one in their right mind would dump a Bielfelder off as they can be $50 a chick! If they couldn't keep him, he would be easy to sell or even give away!
Much more likely somebody's backyard mix, and they couldn't have roo's.
You know, that's what I thought too. When I first noticed him, I thought, "That looks something like a Cream Legbar! But, it can't be. CL chicks are expensive, so who would just dump a CL roo?" I really doubt someone would dump a purebred Bielfelder too. So, I'll probably sell him on craigslist as a mixed breed. Or, he may wind up in the dumpling pot. Haven't completely decided yet. Thanks everyone for your inputs!

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