Cream legbar crossed Goldline, thoughts and experiences?

The Marek's is, so far, not nearly as bad as it could be. I've only lost one pullet to it from 31 chicks raised last year and the two I have with paralysis are stable or improving over the past few months and quite mobile although they need a little tlc. Both are happy and look well and are laying though, so I consider myself fortunate at the moment. It's a shame I have it as I could have given you a beautiful cream legbar cockerel who is in the batchelor pad awaiting freezer camp.

I was gifted a pair of cream legbars by a friend who was down sizing and he may have got them from Durham Hens. I then acquired another 2hens at auction but lost the original hen and one of the others to dogs, so I only have a pair of cream legbars left plus the cockerel I bred from them, plus a couple I got from my sister out law but I'm not sure if they are pure.... she bought hatching eggs and incubated them for me along with some welsummers. You are welcome to come and visit my flock if you like and see them for yourself. You will need to change clothes before returning to your flock though. Unfortunately I am not able to take and post photos yet and it's not high on my long list of priorities at the moment..



Its hard i know i lost my first flock of 3 light sussex to it.

Ive just released my cockeral into my flock. All seems well.
It may have already been asked but if I cross my easter egger hen with a cream legbar roo what would the offspring look like and what would the egg color be?
Easter eggers are already a cross breed of unknown parentage, so crossing them again will create a wide variety of characteristics. That said, the barring from the cream legbar is dominant, so all the offspring will be barred I believe and they will lay blue or green eggs. I had an splash araucana cross pullet (which I suppose is similar to your EEs.... we don't have birds marketed as "EEs" here in the UK) that was bred to my cream legbar roo and I have 6 pullets from the cross that are all grey and white barred and pretty boring looking and lay pale blue/green eggs. I prefer crossing the legbar to Marans and welsummers and RIR to get varying shades of olive eggs

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