The meat factory escapists


5 Years
Nov 28, 2014
Rules for Role Play (and other games)

The Staff has been doing a lot of moderating in the Role Play games recently due to confusion about the rules of the forum vs members making up their own rules as they go along. We have come to the conclusion that a set of rules needs to be posted for Role Plays and other games. Please read and heed the following rules. We will not be cleaning up Role Plays any more. If a Role Play violates the rules it will simply be closed and another one like it not allowed. If one member violates the rules, that member will receive warnings and infractions as appropriate and will be restricted from the thread or threads as the case may be. Likewise, frivolous reporting will have the same consequences. Make sure whoever you are reporting is breaking a rule of the forum, not just making you mad about something.

  1. Each Role Play or game needing rules with have the following posted in the first post at the top of the post. Role Plays and games needing rules that do not have this posted will be closed and not allowed to reopen.We will allow a few days from the posting of this note for full compliance. On 2/14/15, we will start closing games that do not comply. If your opening post is too old for you to edit, please PM me and I will help you.

will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.
B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.
C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.
D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.
I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.

2) No one will be excluded (banned, kicked out, etc) from the role plays except by BYC Staff.
3) While we expect that the originators of the game will set the tone and theme for the game, they are not moderators and will not act or represent themselves as such.
4) Role Plays and games are not owned by role play originators and are not to be claimed as such.
5) You agree not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't. If your role play has copyrighted images, you need to remove them.
6) Do not post violent, gory or murderous games. they will be closed without warning.
7) We realize this is strict, but BYC is a place for all ages to come and learn about chickens. We want everyone to feel safe here. If these rules are too restrictive, there are places on the internet where free-for-all games are allowed.

If you have any questions to be clarified, please ask. Complaining will be ignored. If someone would like their first post to be used as an example of a properly set up game, please let me know. First one to PM me is the chosen one.

Four types of animals (any breed) live in four different buildings, in factories, for meat.

The four animals who are being abused in factories:




and Pigs.

They must become escapists and leave their "prison". Go to the woods, towns, somewhere where people will help, and not see them as meaningless things that give them food. It won't be easy, but anything is better than being destined to feed selfish humans who don't even think about where their meat comes from.

Just please follow the new RP rules and you'll be fine!:)


Breed of species:



Notes: The animals can get caught and put in the Zoo. And they can also get caught in traps and shot in Hunter central and the edge of the forests. And anywhere in the forests at night predators can attack them, so there are many dangers!

This is also to tell people about the meat you buy at stores! It's like this but instead of escaping, there is no escape for them.
Teach people about the abuse of factories and how animals are tortured everyday just for us! Help end the meat indistry!
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Name: Luna
Species: Turkey
Age: 1
Pregnant?: No, birds can't get pregnant.
Gender: Female
Picture: A small, white, black speckled turkey hen.
Personality: Nice, shy, timid, hard working.
Breed of species: Royal turkey
Factory: Poultry Factory
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Name: Willow
Species: Turkey
Pregnant?: birds can't get pregnant,lol
Gender: hen
Personality: friendly,shy,small
Breed of species: black
Factory: poultry factory
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Name: Luna
Species: Turkey
Age: 1
Pregnant?: No, birds can't get pregnant.
Gender: Female

Personality: Nice, shy, timid, hard working.
Breed of species: Royal turkey
Factory: Poultry Factory

Name: Willow
Species: Turkey
Pregnant?: birds can't get pregnant,lol
Gender: hen
Personality: friendly,shy,small
Breed of species: black
Factory: poultry factory

Oh my gosh!!! Their opposites!!!
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Name: Willow
Species: Turkey
Pregnant?: birds can't get pregnant,lol
Gender: hen
Personality: friendly,shy,small
Breed of species: mottled
Factory: poultry factory
Accepted! By the way, I think that turkey's mottled. ;)
(Oh I don't know so I was like itssssssssssssss... a........... black, lol)
(Oh I don't know so I was like itssssssssssssss... a........... black, lol)

My black wyandotte used to have one white feather and I was like "Are you white, or are you black??? Because there's no such thing as a mottled Wyandotte!" :p

Please invite your friends! I'd like to have four people before we start to make it more fun :)

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