The Natantis Tower (A Magical Roleplay)

She smiled and walked into the room after him, It was huge, magically bigger she imagined, there were two king sized beds and two desks with quills and ink, bookshelves full of books with runes on them, and a huge window that, to her surprise looked over the city. "This is wonderful!" She said twirling around, she opened a door and found a huge closet full of clothing for both of them, she was shocked that they were her size but she looked at the end of her bed, it was inscribed with her name, and on Dylan's bed it said his name, She sat on her bed, then unconsciously placed her hand on her book, she heard a click, then it opened, she flipped the pages, they we're all blank and made of parchment. "It looks like its getting dark, I'm going to sleep." She said, she was surprisingly happy here, and she felt at home, when she took off her hooding and mask, she wore a sleeveless shirt and her tattoos we're shown, she didn't think of them and she turned around to face Dylan, then she folded her still damp hoodie and put it on the end of her bed.
Dylan was amazed by the size of the room, it was huge. "Wow, this is awesome. It's bigger than I had ever imagined." He said, looking around the room curiously, he turnt towards Elecia. At first he was surprised at all of the tatoos that covered Elecia's face and body, however he didn't really care, she was kind to him and that's all that really mattered. He took off his hoodie and threw it onto his bed, he slipped his shoes off and put them underneath the bed carefully. Then, he jumped onto his bed as sighed happily, he hadn't slept in a warm bed for years, he yawned and looked at Elecia. He grinned, this place felt like a home should, he was glad that he had met Elecia.
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Elecia got under her large, patterned blanket, it was very warm, but somehow kept it just at the right temperature, not making her hot. She brushed her strawberry blonde hair out over the pillow so she wouldnt pull on it if she rolled over. "Goodnight Dylan!" She said with a cute smile. She liked him.

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