No Water Coming out Watering Nipple


Feb 2, 2015
Mokelumne Hill, CA

I just got some watering nipples and would like to get my chicks switched over to these.

So I put a 20 oz bottle w/ a nipple in it with the birds but no water is coming out. Could the water pressure be too low? I have eloctrolytes in the water...could that be plugging it up? Or how likely that I just got a bad nipple? Water did come out initially.

I could/can try using water with nothing added, and try using a 5 gallon bucket instead of the bottle, but if I can rule out these as issues, I can narrow down the focus. Any insight would be greatly appreciated ( I do have an email sent to the products maker, but who knows whether I will hear back from them.)
Update: I switched to clean water, and so far it is coming out of the nipple w/ the 20oz bottle. But liquid came out with the electrolytes in the water initially too. I'll check it throughout the day. Still would appreciate feedback, if there is any.
If it's a sealed bottle, the vacuum will keep the water from coming out for very needs to have a hole in it to release the vacuum.
Changing the water released the vacuum.

Post a pic?
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