new to turkeys

Royal Palm

In the Brooder
Mar 24, 2015
Im new at raising turkeys. Here is my first egg she laid on Sunday. Hopefully she will set on them. Can anyone give me any tips on raising Royal Palms. I have a Royal Palm Tom and a Blue Palm hen. Do I just leave all the eggs in the nest and will she start sitting after she gets so many eggs? Any info will help... Thanks


A hen going broody all depends on the hen.

The earlier in the season usually they will lay a bigger clutch of eggs before they brood. Later in the season they could go broody on just a couple eggs.

I had a few different types of heritage turkey hens and for the most part all have gone broody. Just leave the eggs and when she gets to her magic number she will start to set.
I have noticed that my hen is picking my toms feathers and eating them. I read online that that might be a lack of protein. What do I need to give her to help with that?
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I have noticed that my hen is picking my toms feathers and eating them. I read online that that might be a lack of protein. What do I need to give her to help with that?

Feather eating can indicate insufficient calcium. I provide my hens with oyster shell in a separate feeder where they can freely choose to take the oyster shell if they desire it.

29° F should not harm the eggs for a short period of time. I have seen my hens spend the night on a nest to protect eggs from the cold and leave the nest during warm temperatures during the day. When they later decided to go broody the eggs hatched fine.

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