Freaking out! Liquid is coming from its mouth/ beak!?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 29, 2014
Hi- one of my oldest chickens (only circa 2 yrs) has suddenly started having a clear brown/yellow watery liquid trickle from its beak. She has been a little quieter the last couple of days but nothing like this. This morning I imediatley saw that she is all ruffled up and not moving about as much as normal. She (a bluebell hybrid) is showing interest in food. Her droppings are liquid, white and look powdery/curdled? I have of course put her in a seperate shed with food / water. I have added a bit of tumeric and a little cayenne pepper powder to the pellets for her as I've heard they have natural internal cleansing benefits. To her water I have added a poultry medicine for runny poo. Has anyone got a clue what these symptoms are all about? My other chickens are totally fine / normal with solid poos and are active (apart from one girl who hurt her foot this week after jumping free from me I think). Help please , any advice?
okay so it gets weirder- since I put her alone in the shed she has 'brought' up tiny pieces of sweetcorn from her beak into her pellets. I feed my chucks layers pellets and rarely give them canned sweetcorn. The last time was two weeks ago if not longer? What on earth is happening here??? Anyone got any ideas / help/ advice?
Thanks so much x
Hi- its hard to judge if she has a swollen crop as she is so fluffed up right now and she has always HATED to be handled so I could pick her up and try to examine her but a) I am fearful of making her worse through stress of being handled and b) I don't know how to feel for a swollen crop as still fairly new to chicken keeping. She has not had anti-botic ever. None of them have. x
I have a baby chick doing the same thing! I gave it sugar water and cleaned it's vent! It's still kinda lethargic not sure if its even eating,i also need help.
Right I have just observed her for a bit. She has perked up slightly from earlier. She is moving about a bit in the shed and does look less fluffed up and hunched over. She is drinking loads but half-heartedly pecking at pellets not eating much from what I can see. She was then kind of re-gurgitating the water / trickling from her beak? Her poo is mixed. There are some droppings of the watery liquid with white power / paintlike to its appearance. There are some more solid looking droppings- at least with some solid matter mixed in. Also on the floor there is sweetcorn reiminents and what looks like a small nut too not sure is she sicked those up? They def were not there before she got put in the shed. Her crop is def looking swollen and she keeps kind of shaking it slightly? Is this being crop bound and if so how do I save her/ make her better? x
Hi- think it is 'sour crop' - I have put apple cider vinegar in her water and crushed her pellets so they are smaller (I have no layers mash). Is there anything else I can do to help or do I leave her be now ?
I was going to suggest sour crop. If you've already put ACV in her water it will be hard to tell, but in sour crop the "vomit" will be mucousy and sour/spoiled/fermented smelling.

If her crop is impacted, perhaps by swallowing something too large to pass, either decomposition/digestion or regurgitation may resolve it. If not, holding her upside down and massaging the crop may help.
I also believe it sower crop. You must to insulate here from other chickens, you have to give here only water for the next 24 hours no food et all! After this time you give her some smooth food like yogurt whit some mashed boiled egg without the shell,(and don't forget the water for drinking) watch here carefully for another 24 hours if she is better you can give here some feed soaked in water, if she isn't better she must eat only yogurt for another 24 hours, and then estimate again her condition if she isn't bettor she will need surgery!
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