newly hatched chicks! possible breeds that went into it?


5 Years
Jan 2, 2015
hi, i have 2 chicks that was just hatched last night and this morning. they are from these hens: Red Star, Wyandotte, Ameraucana, Easter Egger, Barred (or red) Rock, White Leghorn and Buff Orpingtons. the eggs it hatched from was a brown color for the black chick, and green egg for the buff chick, so im thinking white leghorn isnt it lol. the breeding was a barnyard mix, as the roosters were mutts i think. I was really surprised to see a black chick though, as i didnt remember seeing any black hens from the local egg supplier? any feedback as to which possible hen these babies are from? thanks!

If the buff chick hatched from a green egg, it's mom was an easter egger. If the egg was actually blue, then could have come from the Ameraucana as well. I'm not sure about the black chick from the brown egg.
cool, thanks! now for barred rock sexing ive heard its possible for chicks up to about 5 days old? this chick has very black down but no head spot.. is it sexable since the roosters are mutts?

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