Runaway ducks!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
My family and I got a trio of Anconas on Thursday. We live in the downtown area of a small suburban city and have a large frenced in yard (privacy fence - 7ft tall). This evening our drake Rocky and one of the hens (Penny) disappeared. It's as if a ufo came down and zapped them up. My husband had very recently gone out to give them greens he'd brought home from work before putting them up for the night. No sign of a struggle. Nothing. The only thing I can think of is they squeezed under the very shallow gap under the door to our yard. My hubby feels like it's too shallow....we are new duck owners. Can ducks do that? I'm so sad/worried about them. We went out looking for them but wee unsuccessful. And then poor Prudence was out there calling for them. Now she's alone. They've only been with us for two nights, tonight would be the third...if nothing gets them would they find their way back? Ugh. Feeling like a duck mommy failure. I know there's a farm 2.5 hours away that has two adult Ancona hens for sale. Wondering if I should contact them asap and prepare for the worst. I don't want her to be alone.
Sorry to hear that. Have you talked to your neighbors if they have seen them. How big is the hole? Could of been a raptor that got them... I would get 2 more ducks just to be safe.
How big the hole? Is the female that's left larger than the other 2? Have you called the animal shelter to see if anyone brought them in? Do you have Hawks or Eagles? They can make off with a duck pretty easily.
My ducks can squeeze through some pretty small gaps. I know you might be reluctant to announce to the neighbors that you have a yard full of ducks, but really, someone has likely "rescued" them and has them in their garage.
They came back!!! We were convinced that they must have slipped past my husband when he came through the backyard, but then again this evening Rocky our drake snuck out! The hens were quacking away at him, so mad that he'd left. So now we know, it is the gap in the fence. Once we herded him back into the yard, we fixed the gap.

Our closet neighbor knows about our ducks, but I am going to let the surround neighbors know. We only have 3, and they're so quiet - except for this evening lol. He helped us herd him out of his yard.

We need more bushes in our yard, he really likes our neighbor's yard and all his bushes.

Thank you all for your responses.

- Abigail
Oh, I'm so relieved! Thank goodness they returned, how funny that they went after the neighbor's bushes! It's about time a sad story like this had a happy ending, we don't see enough of those in life, it seems. :/

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