Pasty Butt Won't Come Off! Please Help!!!!

I'm new also, but I found that backing off the heat a bit helped. I did put either olive or coconut oil on after gently working off the crust, mostly to help their skin feel/heal better. I felt like it was hard to work up their trust again after that:( But hand feeding eliminated any issues with that. Only two chicks had issues (out of 6, mixed flock), and it didn't last long. Have you got your chicks yet?
Please help!!!! A few of my banty chicks have pasty butt, one died today and I have cleaned the others vents off. But now I have a chick swaying back and forth. It's not stable I dont know what to do. The chick that died didnt have anything stuck to here butt...
I've hatched many, many chicks & had one with pasty butt 7 yrs ago. It was a late hatch, small, weak chick that recovered with several butt cleanings. Now all of a sudden I have 6 chicks (1.5 weeks old) with pasty butt.

I believe the cause is = I started giving them grass time a few days ago + heat wave (temps in the 90s) + stress of the new routine.

I put Corid in the water (worried about cocci & saw loose stools) & I'm washing off the poop. Any other treatment suggestions?
I feel bad, because I believe it's my fault. Now all I can do is get them better.

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