Allie & Bino, the albino orpington chicks


7 Years
Nov 26, 2012
Apollo, PA
Yesterday, I had two (what I believe to be) albino chicks hatch out of orpington eggs. I plan to keep them, but their vision is very poor which makes it hard for them to eat and drink. They get their eyes pecked a lot by the other chicks, since chicks peck red and I'm using an EcoGlow rather than a heat lamp.

I only have pictures of Allie, who has some stuff still hanging out of the navel, but it's drying up slowly but surely.


I'm hoping to keep this thread to document their lives so that if anyone in the future has albino babies, they can find this when they search the web. I couldn't really find anything when I did searches, so I'm kinda just winging it.
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Update: Allie and Bino are eating and drinking on their own, and have started to scratch. This is HUGE, as the only albino chicks that I could find in my searches died because they couldn't learn how to eat or drink by themselves.

They still stand there and their heads swivel back and forth, kind of like the motion a person's eyes make when they're really dizzy.
they are so rare you should call the tv stations and news papers -tell them you have a public interest story. call all of them that are local and one should call you back

oh yeah, what is your source of those eggs?

That's a good thought! And I got them from a member here that sent me eggs for the Easter Hatch-A-Long.
Yesterday, I had two (what I believe to be) albino chicks hatch out of orpington eggs. I plan to keep them, but their vision is very poor which makes it hard for them to eat and drink. They get their eyes pecked a lot by the other chicks, since chicks peck red and I'm using an EcoGlow rather than a heat lamp.

I only have pictures of Allie, who has some stuff still hanging out of the navel, but it's drying up slowly but surely.


I'm hoping to keep this thread to document their lives so that if anyone in the future has albino babies, they can find this when they search the web. I couldn't really find anything when I did searches, so I'm kinda just winging it.

Keep the pics coming! Very interesting.

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