Last hope for feather picking hen? We've tried everything!


5 Years
Apr 26, 2014
Quebec, Canada
We are getting pretty discouraged. One of our hens starting picking the butt feathers of the other three hens. We tried isolation for a few weeks and when we reintroduced her to the others, it seemed to have worked, she was now on the bottom of the pecking order and wouldn't dare pick on the others. She soon gained over one hen, and started picking her feathers again, but not on the two others, who are still above her. We bought pinless peepers, which seemed to work for a day or two but once she got used to them the feather picking started again!

We don't think it's a protein deficiency but simply a bad habit (we tried increasing protein but it didn't solve anything). They have more than enough space for 4 hens.

Is there anything else we can try or is this a lost cause?? Apart from feather picking, she is a really sweet hen and we would be heartbroken if we have to get rid of her :(
I had a hen who would stop at nothing to attack my other gals, and one day I gave her some garlic in scrambled eggs. She had stopped being so aggressive the very next day. Also, when you see that she's going to peck another hen, drive her away from that hen and tap her tail area with your finger to let her know you're the top of the coop. I hope you have luck!
I had a hen who would stop at nothing to attack my other gals, and one day I gave her some garlic in scrambled eggs. She had stopped being so aggressive the very next day. Also, when you see that she's going to peck another hen, drive her away from that hen and tap her tail area with your finger to let her know you're the top of the coop. I hope you have luck!

Thank you, I will try this!

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