Baby Brahmas cheep?


5 Years
Jul 23, 2014
South Carolina
We're having fun with our 4 baby Buffs and 2 baby Brahmas! Is it my imagination or do the baby Brahmas have a different sounding cheep? Or maybe I was just tired last night while playing with the babies.....And I definetly had forgotten how quickly baby chicks grow! 4 days old and they've just about doubled! Good news is that we have the new coop closed in, hopefully can get the floor painted this afternoon. Then the babies get moved outside!( we're all making comments about the smell coming from the closet) I'm thinking I may try putting one of my RSL's in with them, Gertrude or Lala are my prime candidates, they seem to go broody the most and they are definetly my gentlest and most protective birds.

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