the slaughter house rescue.


In the Brooder
Apr 26, 2015
Caldwell, tx
I recently was Given 9 hens and 3 roosters from a commercial chicken farm. They were leftovers. We went out with a dog crate into a filthy huge chicken house. I got in and started catching as many as would fit in the crates and cages we had. All the chickens were filthy and covered in mud. All were more than half bald. They were scared. And smelly. I brought then home and got them situated in a large dog run and a few in out chicken coop.I sprayed them a few days in a row with the hose to dislodge the mud and scat from their feathers.
Fast forward a few weeks and these friendly chickens look beautiful and have grown a lot of their feathers back. They got to free range for the first time in their lives. They were unsure of the grass. And put their beaks up at scraps. But now they are learning to be chickens and pets. They let me touch and pet them. I was hoping for eggs but no luck? matter though they will live out their lives as pets and in piece.




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My brother owns a commercial chicken farm so I get all the leftovers I want. Keep in mind that even though these birds are huge, they are still only 6 to 8 weeks old when the company comes to get them. They will lay around 6 months old like any other chicken, if they live that long. I think the longest you can expect is about a year.
That's what I thought too but these chickens were laying ? I got a few eggs the day they arrived... from stress maybe but none since.
This farm only gets cleaned out 1-times a year... so the chickens are older...I think their chickens are used to produce hatching eggs.
Then yes, it probably is stress from moving. It will take a few weeks for them to get back into it. Are you offering oyster shell or feeding a layer ration?
Scratch grains are a treat and shouldn't take up more than 10% of their diets. Too much dilutes their protein, vitamin and calcium intake which will definitely slow production.

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