Anyone want to give a shot at these bantams?


5 Years
Feb 24, 2014
Coastal NC
They are about 4 weeks old, so I know its young, but I wasnt sure if there were any tells with these breeds. Two are mille fluer d'uccles, and one is a wc polish.



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Right now they all look like pullets. The combs on the duccles are not red or developed and in some single combed birds you can see developed combs quite young, but of course that could change in a few weeks. The crest shape on the polish looks like a pullet and also has no red or development on the comb
Right now they all look like pullets. The combs on the duccles are not red or developed and in some single combed birds you can see developed combs quite young, but of course that could change in a few weeks. The crest shape on the polish looks like a pullet and also has no red or development on the comb
Crest shape has nothing to do with gender of chick. However if you had more than 3 you could look at the wings and tell weather or not it is a rooster. And just the feathers on its body. Females will mature faster than males in feathering. It is a sure thing out of 15 i estimated 2 rooster and got 3.

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