Adventures in Urban Chickens In Japan

Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. You really have things well organized and planned out. Thanks for posting all the pics. :eek:) My son-in-law is Japanese, and my family and I recently returned from a trip to Japan. I have posted the pics or our trip at I'm sure you will recognize a number of the places in our photos. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.

Chibaken Tokyo Disney. Looks like you had a great time!
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They are leaky. So I placed a flower pot bottom dish to catch the water. If they don't seal up by next week I'll have to do some maintenance on them. But for now they need to grow a little to reach them.

A lot of BYC members swear by the nipple waterers and apparently have no problems with them, but I never was able to get them to work properly (for reasons such as you are describing with leaking). I finally went back to the galvanized waterers. At least I can put a heater underneath the galvanized waterers in cold winter areas to keep the water from freezing in them. Good luck in getting your leaky nipples to work properly.

Chickens exploring the Falcon Mews. They grow up fast and providing 4-6 eggs a day. So much I've started delivering to my neighbors.

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