Welsummer Roo or Pullet?


Piper started crowing 2 weeks ago.

Here are updated pictures of Chick #2 that we named Summer. Summer is now 5 weeks and 2 days old. Pretty sure we have another roo on our hands, but my husband is holding out hope for a pullet. Summer is feathering out really slowly and I think it has a dark chest. My husband thinks it is salmon. The comb and wattles are much smaller than what we saw with Piper. Any help would be much appreciated.

Update: Piper started crowing 2 weeks ago. Here are updated pictures of Chick #2 that we named Summer. Summer is now 5 weeks and 2 days old. Pretty sure we have another roo on our hands, but my husband is holding out hope for a pullet. Summer is feathering out really slowly and I think it has a dark chest. My husband thinks it is salmon. The comb and wattles are much smaller than what we saw with Piper. Any help would be much appreciated.
It looks like you received another cockerel.

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