Danish Chicks, from Denmark of course

Thanks again.
I just found out, that I should provide a bit background info too :)

The current chickens are my first own chickens. But a few Years ago, I have been working in a social project with kids, adult people with handicaps and farm animals. There were chickens, but I did not care too much about them, as my main occupation was to deal with horses, the donkey and giving theoretical and practical lessons about "how to deal with horses" for newbies. After moving to Denmark, I got more and more active in animal welfare. I do eat meat, but not every day and I choose very careful what I buy and where it comes from.

My chickens are not supposed to end on the grill and I do not care too much about the eggs they give (i like them, but I would not mind, if chciekns would come without this special feature), but I like that they have an eye on the insects in the garden and are a friendly, decorative addition to the garden.
wow! Beautiful pictures! I love them all! Your chickens, and dogs. Never been much of a cat person....
Thanksagain. Actually I am not much of a cat person either. My cats love me for this :))
And my dogs often are described as "cat-ish" which means that they are missing that will to please. They do not care, if I give them a treat when they come on recall or not... :) independant spirits as they are.

But back to the chickens :)

I am looking forward to visit Denmarks national poultry show this winter, as I have been stumbling over a few breeds I might be interested in and besides reading about them, I would like to see them in real and maybe get in contact with breeders to see those birds outside a little cage one day.

So here comes my wishlist

Bantam Cochin
Old English Game Bantam (i absolutely fell for "blue with brass back")
Bantam Vorwerk
Welcome to Backyard chickens. Your birds are beautiful and so is your photography. I haven't seen a Basenji since I stopped attending dog shows many years ago. I know they don't bark but they do yodel. Would love to see photos of your dogs if you don't mind..

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If you'd like to look a bit more up in this thread, you can see pictures of my dogs.
And yes, Basenjis are not mute, actually they can be very communicative :D
My son has 3 Bantam Cochin's that he is showing at our local fair this year. They are really wonderful chickens, very friendly, and approachable. They allow him to handle them every day and will literally eat right out of your hand. I will say that after a few years they are no longer effective layers. They are 3 or 4 years old and haven't laid an egg in 3 months.
I am just a bit worried about their feathered feet. We have quite a lot of rain here in Denmark and I am not sure if this is a good combination. Mudd, feathered feet and free ranging ...
But I do like their appearance. They look like little dice. Very square :)

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