Pipd's Peeps!

Here are our one-week pictures! :love They're awful cute, but already getting uncooperative for their individual pictures! In hatch order, here's Baby P:

Baby P.jpg

Baby B:

Baby B.jpg

Baby G:

Baby G.jpg

Baby Y (with a hint of attitude :p ) :

Baby Y.jpg

And Baby R:

Baby R.jpg
Oh, man, sorry for keeping all the cuteness to myself! I kept forgetting to grab my camera chip before going up to sit with them, so I wasn't taking any pictures of them! :eek: Here are a bunch from today! They're growing so fast and getting braver with those wings! :love I'm tired, so the captions will probably not be very well thought out. :p

Got all these feathers coming in, and Baby B is preening... her baby fluff. :lol:

Baby B preening.jpg

Checking out her reflection in the EcoGlow leg?

Baby B reflection.jpg

Baby P, checking out the dirt I gave them.

Baby P in the dirt.jpg

Traffic jam at the EcoGlow! :love

Baby R traffic jam.jpg

They look awfully guilty, don't they? :p

caught in the act.jpg

Cuties at the waterer! :love :love

cuties at the waterer.jpg

A bit of a comparison of their growth. This is the same feed dish they've always had. Man, were they tiny a couple pages ago!! :eek:


Hungry babies :love

hungry babies.jpg

Scratching and pecking, because the towel looks like food, I guess. :p

hunt and peck.jpg

Unfortunately, as they graduate to shavings as bedding, they also start doing this... Baby B looks so innocent here, huh? :rolleyes:

messy waterer.jpg

This picture just seemed interesting to me. They were both scratching, though at least Baby B is in the food dish. :idunno


I'm seeing an awful lot of comb growth in all but Baby R... Fingers crossed that she's not the only pullet in the batch! :fl

On the eggs currently in the incubator, things aren't looking too good. Of Endymion's 4 eggs, three look clear and one is a textbook blood ring. One of Cressida's eggs looks clear as well, and the other one seems to have developed, though it's kind of sloshy and I didn't see any movement in it when held still, so it may be a quitter. Maggie's two eggs are developing beautifully and wiggling around in there--to my surprise, as I figured hers were going to be the least likely to develop! Anyway, I'm really hoping all those clears look better in a few days... And if not, that the three developing keep up and make it to hatch. No lone babies for me, please!! :fl

So tired... Good night, everyone!
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Oooh, man, the babies were being extra cute tonight before their bed time!! :love They decided they wanted to sleep cuddled under my hand rather than under the EcoGlow. Made for a lot of cute pictures, though I only had my cell phone on hand, so they're kind of grainy. Anyway, brace yourselves for the cuteness!! :love :love

cuddle time.jpg

sleepy peep.jpg

I mean, can you even stand it?! :love :love Those faces!!

cuteness cuddle.jpg

Out of focus, but too cute not to share. :love That camera lens is just so shiny!

nosy peepers.jpg

All five of them are piled under there. :love

cuddled away.jpg

I finally put the phone down at that point to cover them with both hands, a move I regretted because they continued to be so stinkin' adorable and obviously I couldn't 'abandon' them to take more pictures. :p Anyway, I eventually had to go out to close the coops for the night, so I had to convince them that the EcoGlow would keep them plenty warm for the night while I left.
Haha, I don't know about that. I've been a bit loopy with sleep deprivation for those past few posts. :p

Those babies are Khaki and Fawn Silver Duckwing Old English Game bantams. :) You can't really see it in that last set of pictures, but the baby with the purple leg band (and white wing and tail feathers) is the Khaki, while the rest of them are Fawn. (Pretty sure at this point that he's a little fella, too. :tongue )
So, the babies had their first taste of the great outdoors today! Normally, I'd take them out for their first trip on their two-weekiversary, which is tomorrow, but it's supposed to be cold and rainy then, so today it was! :)

As happens on every first trip outside, they absolutely refused to leave the safety of the box at first.

1 nope.jpg
1 whole lotta nope.jpg

...So, I gave them a little encouragement. Baby Y popped out first. This is the face of terror! :eek:

1 y terror.jpg

Once they were all out (and I removed the box so they couldn't just run back in), they needed a bit of reassurance that everything was okay. :love

2 scared peepers.jpg

You know the saying, the grass is always greener? :p

baby y chicken it out.jpg

They stuck close by me and would run under my legs whenever anything scared them. :love (Sorry for my foot, but Baby B was too irresistible not to share :oops: )

Baby B by my foot.jpg

Starting to get more comfortable :love

on the move.jpg

Baby P somehow found a worm in the DRY dirt we were on. :eek: That was one scary worm!

scary worm.jpg

Babies P and (Y, I think?) keeping watch on the scary worm:

scary worm 2.jpg

They spent a lot of time in the shade I was casting. :p

Spreading out.jpg

Cuties! :love :love (I used the potato chip box to bring them out. ;) )


A few of the big girls stopped by to stare at horror at these strange little creatures. Elly stopped by first and just gave me this fatigued look like, "You did this again?" :lol:

Then Vivi stopped by and started to make this almost broody-hen-like grumble, like she wasn't sure about this...

vivi curious.jpg

Rooska just froze and stared like she was questioning her very existence. :p

rooska questioning everything.jpg

A few others also came by to stare, but no one reacted quite like Vira, who saw them and then FLEW away from them, cackling the whole way like she'd been attacked! :eek: :th Crazy hen!!

Anyway, after about 45 minutes, the wind picked up a bit and some of the babies were shivering, so I took them back in. All in all, a pretty fun first trip outside, though next time I'll look for somewhere grassier for them to play. :D

Oh, one last picture because I thought it was hilarious, even though it's blurry and washed out. The babies found a seed case or something and were having a bit of a football match over it. NOOOOM!! Little dinosaurs! :gig

outtake - chickie football.jpg

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