feeding quail


May 18, 2015
Hi. I have never had quail before, but the incubator is starting next week. I have been reading tons about incubating them, so I think that I'm pretty set on that. (besides the stuff that comes from experience.)However, I'm nit sure what to feed the chicks, i know that chick starter isn't sufficient, but what is? What to you feed your quail chicks/adult birds. Any advice would be helpful.
Any type of poultry feed that has 24% to 28% protein content is good for all quail. It is best for chicks to keep the protein up near 28% if you can. However I have started quail on 26% with no problem. So Turkey feed or starter will work. Purina makes gamebird food. As does DuMor. Gamebird/Showbird by Manna Pro is a great feed. I used this for my birds when I can find it.

Chicks need to have their feed crushed for the first week or so as most crumble out of the bag is too large for them to eat. Lay paper towels down around the feeder and sprinkle the crushed feed all around the feeder. Tap with your finger to get them to eat. It usually takes several days before they all learn where the feed is stored and you can then remove the towels.

Dip everybody's beak in the water right after hatch and set them down right in front of the waterer. Quail chicks need to be shown where the water and feed is kept, they are not as smart as chicken chicks. LOL Put marbles or tiny stones in the water base so they can't fall in and drown.

I prefer to use a red or infra red heat lamp for heat and light. Allows for a normal sleeping pattern and keeps aggression down. Keep the heat off to one side, food and water on the other. Thermometer on the floor directly beneath the heat lamp. Start the temp at 95 degrees F and lower it by 5 degrees for 5 weeks.

1/2 square foot per baby and do not cover your brooder with anything but a screen or wire for good heat and oxygen exchange.

Good luck with your hatch! :)
TwoCrows, I was told today that Purina has discontinued the gamebird starter. They now only make a turkey starter, and it's not available in non-medicated. The guy who said this runs the feed store, and sells Purina feed exclusively. Then I went to an Agway, and bought Agway brand, non-medicated gamebird and turkey starter which is 26% protein. It was only $17 for a 50 lb bag ($4 cheaper than the medicated turkey starter at the feed store). I hope that helps!
I went to buy a bag of 30% gamebird starter and my feed store was out of it, they said more would be in today but I haven't been back yet to pick up a bag. If Purina is no longer making it I might grab 2 bags(if they have it)! I have over 100 quail eggs in the incubator hatching daily now so it will not go to waste.

To the thread starter, you might find a blender and grind the food up into a powder for the first week. Quail are teeny :) I found they can't eat the crumbles well and a food processor just doesn't grind the crumbles up well enough.
That works i have like 6 blenders
IDK Rick, that's what he said. I'm new to quail, so who am I to call him a liar. Is there a difference between gamebird 'starter' and 'startena' ??

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