*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Adrienne layed in bed that night staring at the ceiling. Something was wrong. She didn't know what, but she could tell that something was deffinately wrong. She pushed the thoughts out of her mind and stroked Calder.
"What do guards do, exactly?" Gavin asked "Are they like assassins?"
"Okay then. If you're absolutely positive about this, then let's go," Edmund said.
Linnet nodded. "The sun is nearly set. We ought to return. You still have to return to Edinburgh castle," she said.
Edwin sat down. "A vacation? Really? Anyway, you missed Mother's dinner she hosted for which the princess Gwen and her retinue came. All I did was dance two dances with my maid, and now suddenly things are disastrous, and sorely disappointing. I think mother is up to something."
Maud added a log to Adrienne's fire place. "There ye go, child. Now you go right to sleep and don't think another thought about your sister moving away, you hear me?"

Fawn dismounted her horse at Alnwick stable. Her little adventure had been rather successful.
Katrina laughed. She ladled stew into two bowls. "It depends on what mood the guard be in," she joked. "They guard, I guess. Standin tall in their uniforms all day long, always ready to do as they be bid by an authorities person. Assassins usually remain anonymous, I suppose for their and the king's safety. I didn't know mister Redd be an assassin til he told us." She shrugged. "Anyway, I'm not the best person to explain such matters to you. I just hear and tell what little I pick up around the castle."
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